Setting the Record Straight

I saw an advertisement attacking Senator Thompson on abortion. What is Mike's response?

It is disappointing but not surprising that my opponent has resorted to childish and false attacks on this issue. Despite efforts to use this issue as a wedge to divide us, most Kansans share a lot of common ground on this issue.

Most Kansans want no taxpayer funding of abortion, limits on late-term abortion, rigorous health and safety regulations, parental consent for minors, help for women with unexpected pregnancies, and adoption to be more affordable. They also support exceptions in heartbreaking cases like rape, incest, and life of the mother.

I am focused on these common-sense approaches that build a culture of life in Kansas, rather than on divisive proposals that undermine these efforts. Accordingly, I voted against a ban on abortion this year. 

Moreover, the legislature is united in ensuring women receive the emergency care they desperately need for ectopic pregnancies, miscarriages, and other health complications. Any characterization to the contrary is blatantly false.
In addition, here are specific facts countering the false charges in the recent attacks:
  • IVF is already protected in Kansas, and there are no efforts to remove those protections.  
  • Kansas has created a variety of reports for decades on a wide range medical and surgical procedures.  These reports are entirely anonymous and voluntary, and any assertion to the contrary is 100% false.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me at

Mike Thompson Supports Our Students, Parents, and Teachers

For many years, Mike Thompson organized and produced a weather program in conjunction with School Day at the K, demonstrating his dedication to helping our kids learn and prepare for the future. During his time as our senator, Mike Thompson has built a consistent and proven record supporting excellence in education, focusing on what’s best for the student, involving parents, and maximizing resources to teachers and classrooms. He supported fully funding our schools all five years in Topeka, bills championed by Governor Kelly. For details, click here:

Mike Thompson's Inflation Busting Record: Tax Relief for all Kansans

Mike Thompson is a champion of the taxpayers and understands that our money belongs to us, not the government. To help families burdened by inflation, Mike successfully voted to:

  • Lower property taxes and reform our appraisal system
  • Simplify and reduce income taxes on families
  • Repeal the state sales tax on food
  • Eliminate the state income tax on Social Security income
For details, click here.